Pro tips for your glowy-est skin ever

Yes, Glowy-est is a word. Because I said so!

But seriously, today I’m sharing 3 timeless tips that are guaranteed to improve the quality of your skin and help you age beautiful with POWER and CONFIDENCE.

Tip number 1: GET ENOUGH SLEEP. I know, you’re tired of hearing this from “the experts”. But the reality is, sleep is your superhero activity. Your skin is your largest organ and during sleep is when it repairs and rejuvenates itself from UV exposure and damage, reducing wrinkles and age spots. Collagen (the protein that keeps your skin bouncy and firm) is produced more abundantly as your cells regenerate in your sleep. There is also more blood flow to the skin during sleep. Blood is the ultimate nourisher of the skin because it carries oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

A study in the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology found that people who slept seven to nine hours a night had skin that was more moisturized and that could protect and heal itself better after being exposed to ultraviolet light compared to those who slept five hours or less. The study also revealed how people looked following eight hours sleep verses a period of sleep deprivation and five hours sleep. The participants were observed to have more swollen eyes and dark circles, more wrinkles, and to look sadder when they were sleep deprived. Ugh! That’s tragic!

So you see, beauty sleep really is a thing. Outside of the “beauty factor” sleep keeps your brain healthy and sharp, it lowers blood pressure, it supports your immune system, and regulates hormones. Do yourself a favor and make it a priority to get 7-9 hours a night.

Tip number 2: DRINK MORE WATER. yep, another classic “to do” and I’m here to remind you of the value and importance of drinking more water. The hard truth is most people are chronically dehydrated. With the intake of coffee, tea, sodas, energy drinks most people are short on their water consumption. Ideally half your weight in ounces is the goal but if you’re physically active or tend to sweat a lot you may require more.

Your skin is 60% water. Without adequate water intake the skin looks dull, and wrinkles and pores are more prominent. Nobody wants that!! Again, outside of beauty benefits, water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption and even rids the body and skin of toxins. DRINK UP friends!!

Tip number 3: FACIAL MASSAGE. Did I surprise you with this one? GOOD!! :-) Facial massage is an easy and effective way to improve your skin health and rock that GLOW! Regular facial massage improves sagging, texture and diminishes wrinkles. The number one reason facial massage works so well is because it boosts the circulation of blood in the skin (remember that blood is the ultimate nourisher of the skin!) Giving yourself a massage when applying your favorite oil or cream is like doing a set of jumping jacks, it’s a workout for your face! This increased blood flow deflates puffiness (especially in your under eye area,)  the increased oxygen brightens the skin and helps detoxify your skin. More oxygen sent to the skin equals increased collagen production and cell growth. This means bouncy glowing skin!!

So my friends, let me encourage you to get more sleep, drink more water and incorporate facial massage into your skin care ritual! Tell me, which tip are you most excited to implement?


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