Unconventional Wisdom: 5 Radical Habits for Women Over 40 with Unstoppable Skin

Ladies, let's cut to the chase. We all want to defy the aging game and rock skin that doesn't just turn heads but stops traffic. Forget the fancy creams that promise miracles in a jar. The real power to unlock ageless, radiant skin lies in five audacious, out-of-the-box habits. Brace yourselves for a skincare revolution!

  • Sun Defiance:

    Sunscreen? Yeah, that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's time to defy the sun with unwavering determination. SPF 30? Nah, go higher, always. Rain or shine, winter or summer, slather it on like your life depends on it. Sun hats? Make 'em chic. Sunglasses? The bigger, the better. Embrace the shade. Sun protection isn't seasonal; it's a lifetime commitment. But let’s face it, if we don’t love the way it feels and smells we aren’t going to wear it. I promise you will LOVE the The Ensō Premier Zinc a broad spectrum 40 spf mineral sunscreen that doesn’t just protect you, it hydrates and nourishes your skin! And if you want a little color to mimic the look of foundation Ensō Flawless Finish is what you’re looking for!

  • The Skin Diet:

    Your skin isn't just skin—it's a reflection of your inner rebel. Ditch the junk, and fuel up on nature's ammunition. Load your plate with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats should be your daily armor. Hydrate like you're in the Sahara – water is your skin's elixir of youth. Top it off with skin-loving supplements like omega fatty acids, vitamin C, and collagen peptides. Your skin is what you eat, so feast wisely. Book a Lifestyle Consultation for curated nutrition guide.

  • Rebel Skincare Routine:

    Forget the cookie-cutter routines. It's time to craft a skincare regime that screams 'YOU.' Start with gentle cleansing, not skin-stripping torture. Toss the one-size-fits-all nonsense – target your skin's unique needs. Wrinkles? Fine lines? Age spots? Pick your arsenal wisely and don’t forget to show the eyes and lips some love—they're the windows to your soul, after all.

    Overwhelmed by the recs from influencers, your bff or the neighborhood MLM consultant? Book a consultation with your new Esthi Besti for a regimen that is customized to your personal needs.

  • Rebel Rest and Zen

    Beauty sleep? Pfft, it's more than that—it's rejuvenation HQ. Seven to eight hours of pure slumber gold. Your skin repairs and regenerates while you snooze, so make it count. Stress? Stress ages you faster than you can say 'serum.' It wreaks havoc on our skin, triggering inflammation and accelerating the aging process. Plus, it's so last season. Find your Zen with yoga, meditation, or whatever floats your boat. Prioritizing self-care and finding moments of relaxation will benefit both your skin and overall well-being. So, breathe, relax, and age like the boss you are.

  • The Power of Radical Confidence:

    This is the ultimate weapon in your skincare arsenal. Confidence isn't just beautiful; it's magnetic. Embrace your journey. Surround yourself with positivity and cut the toxic crap out. Do things that light your soul on fire. Be grateful for every day. Celebrate your journey and the wisdom that only comes with age. Embrace your skin's natural changes and imperfections, knowing that they are part of your unique story. When you radiate joy and self-acceptance, your skin will reflect it, exuding a natural glow that no product can replicate.

Ladies, it's time to unleash your inner skincare rebel. Take charge, break the rules, and make these unconventional habits your new norm. Sun defiance, skin diet, rebel skincare, rest and Zen, and radical confidence—these are your tools to wield. Start today and watch your skin and spirit defy the odds. Remember, age is just a number, and beauty knows no boundaries. Be the unstoppable force of nature you were born to be and rewrite the rules of aging. It's your time to shine, unapologetically!

Let’s redfine aging!



Embrace Renewal: A gentle guide to detoxing your life as you enter the new year.


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