Ditch Resolutions, Implement Intentions

Welcome to a new year!🥳 Hello 2022!

It’s estimated that approximately 74% of the population set new year resolutions to make a lifestyle change or set a personal goal to better themselves (via finder.com)

As an Enneagram 3/2, a Generator with a 5/1 profile (human design), ENFP personality profile (Myers-Briggs) Taurus, I am always STRIVING, GOAL SETTING, ACHIEVING, DOING. My extrinsic value has always been defined by these things. (societal conditioning maybe?) In any case, this year I’ve decided to focus on INTENTIONS over RESOLUTIONS.

Intentions are action oriented. They involve aligning your actions and behaviors with your values and principles to guide your decisions and the way you live. With intentions you are already ENOUGH (my chosen power word for the year) so you move forward without an attachment to the outcome. It’s about the journey.

Resolutions by definition are: “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” Resolutions outcome oriented and are either achieved or broken. (by the way, most people ditch their resolutions by January 19th according to a report by STRAVA) You win or you lose. Resolutions imply that you’re not good enough the way you are…that you’ll be better when you get something else or change who you are. Don’t get me wrong… I’m all for goal setting (did you see my personality profile above😄). Goal setting keeps up moving forward and assists in giving life purpose and meaning (I’ve set some pretty lofty goals for myself this year!!) But when you align your actions and behaviors with your values, living with intention, your goals will be met as a byproduct and you’ll also live a happier and more meaningful life.

Here are few ideas for intentions around the most commonly set resolutions.

  • I intend to have a healthy body that is disease resistant

  • I intend to have great stamina, vitality strength and flexibility to live an active life

  • I intend to spend and save my dollars mindfully

  • I intend my dollars improve the quality of my life

  • I intend to connect with family and friends

  • I intend to experience more of this beautiful planet I live on (country I live in)

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember, intentions are centered around YOUR values and the things that are most important to you. Give it a try and let me know your intentions for the year ahead!

Cheers to healthy aging, living with vitality and with INTENTION.

xo Michelle


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