4 Things To Be Mindful Of This Holiday Season So You Can Feel (AND Look) Your Best!

It’s no secret the Holiday season is often filled with excess sugary treats, maybe a few more drinks, late nights from events or family gatherings, and oftentimes extra stress…

This is your reminder that YOU get to decide how you want to feel this Holiday season.  

Yes, it will take some intention and commitment…

But if you want to feel your best so you can enjoy this special time of year and not sacrifice your self-care or youthful aging journey in the process… 

Then you’ll want to keep reading ;) 

Now, when I say self-care I’m talking about how you intentionally care for your skin, body, AND mind.  

Self-care is a 360 approach to caring for yourself through: 

  • Exercise

  • Good Nutrition

  • Personal Growth

  • Emotional & Spiritual Wellness 

  • AND Skin Care 

These are the pillars of the Ensō philosophy around youthful aging. 

I believe you CAN age naturally, maintain a youthful appearance and live a life of vitality when you incorporate these 5 pillars into your life.

Alright, now that we have that established…

Let’s talk about 4 things to be conscious of that directly affect your skin, body and mind directly in relation to aging. 

Why I’m writing about this now is because the Holidays tend to exacerbate these 4 things. 

I want you to feel amazing this Holiday season so here are some reasons why these 4 things are damaging to your youthful aging process, AND a few helpful reminders so you can stay on track with your self-care and not sacrifice feeling good.

4 Things To Be Mindful Of This Holiday Season:

1. Your Sugar Intake

Sugar is often sneaky and hidden in many foods, dressings, drinks, etc. So it’s important to educate yourself about what you’re consuming. 

*Important Note: I’m not talking about complex carbohydrates (natural sugar) found in fruit, honey, agave, etc. I’m talking about refined sugars (simple carbohydrates) that make their way into many things. 

Sugar can have several damaging effects on your skin, and consuming too much sugar can contribute to the following conditions:

  • Exacerbation of Inflammatory Skin Conditions - 

Eating too much sugar from simple carbohydrates causes your blood sugar to rise, which then increases inflammation inside the body. If you have an inflammatory skin condition like psoriasis, rosacea, or eczema, a spike in inflammation can trigger or exacerbate your symptoms.

  • Can Cause Acne Breakouts - 

Excess sugar consumption can increase the risk of acne breakouts. When inflammation levels increase in the body, it can lead to pimples, zits, blackheads, whiteheads, and increase oil (sebum) production. 

  • Speeds Up The Aging Process (Premature Aging) - 

One of sugar’s most damaging effects is that it causes premature aging. Sugar breaks down collagen and elastin and when this happens your skin may start to look dry, saggy, wrinkled or dull. 

If you’re bringing dessert to a Holiday party or gathering, be the one to bring a healthier alternative… That way you at least have a healthier option and are not solely dependent on what everyone else is contributing. 

A couple ideas: 

  • Dark chocolate covered strawberries 

  • Fresh berries with homemade coconut whipped cream (you can look up recipes how to make this without refined sugar) 

  • Frozen grapes (these are fun to pop in your mouth)

  • Dark chocolate squares (less sugar than milk chocolate + antioxidants)

If you want to enjoy a cookie, cupcake or slice of pie… It’s a great idea to eat some fresh fruit first (and a glass of water while you’re at it), then see how you feel after that. You’ll be much less likely to overindulge in the extra sugary treats.

2. Make Sleep A Priority 

If you eat well and exercise regularly, but don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, you may be undermining all of your other efforts.

Sleep is crucial for your health and many people are lacking when it comes to getting enough sleep every night. 

Sleep deprivation decreases blood flow to the skin and leads to premature aging, wrinkles, or dark circles under your eyes. 

And when you are lacking sleep, it can also increase the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in your body which then breaks down collagen (hello, more wrinkles). 

How can you set yourself up for a restful night's sleep?

  • Unplug from all technology at least an hour before bed 

  • Take a bath or read a book before bed 

  • Do some light stretching before you get in bed 

  • Write in a gratitude journal 

  • Sit on some chamomile tea or warm lemon water 

  • Listen to a guided meditation (check out the Calm app) 

You deserve to feel your best, be rested, and support your skin, mind and body through prioritizing your sleep every night.  

3. Alcohol Consumption

Be real with me for a moment…

How do you feel after you’ve had one too many drinks? 

And if you’re sober and choose not to drink alcohol, I want you to still be intentional with what you are drinking because soda, juice, pre-made teas or fancy Starbucks drinks can be packed with excess sugar as we discussed in point #1 above. 

I think it’s really easy to get sucked into the societal “norm” of drinking at parties, events, or family gatherings. And I’m not saying there is anything wrong with this! 

However, be real with yourself and ask how it makes you feel after? 

  • Do you feel your energy is drained the next day? 

  • Maybe you said something you slightly regret later? 


This time of year many people are around family, or in social situations where it’s easier to get emotionally triggered and it’s safe to say most of us have experienced how alcohol can play a negative role in these situations. 

Please enjoy your celebratory moments as you wish, but before you do… You may want to set a boundary or intention beforehand. 


Do you want to enjoy 1 drink slowly so you can participate but know you will wake up still feeling great the next day? 


Maybe you can bring some sparkling water to enjoy in a champagne glass so you still feel fancy, but stay feeling great? 


Excess alcohol consumption not only plays into point #1 with excess sugar consumption, but also to point #2 as it will interfere with the quality of your sleep.  


Alcohol also makes you more dehydrated, and dehydration can suck your skin of moisture and elasticity… 


In other words, alcohol can make you look older (and quickly). 

4. Your Stress Levels

If you’re feeling extra stressed going into this Holiday season…

Ask yourself, “Why?” 

  • Are you sacrificing personal boundaries with family or friends? 

  • Are you saying yes to too many things you really don’t want to do? 

  • Are you staying true to what matters most to you? 

  • Are you running around buying too many gifts? 


Excess sugar, lack of sleep, and excess alcohol will ALL impact your overall stress levels, but even more so… A lack of boundaries will create even more stress for yourself. 

Take a moment to pause, breath, and ask yourself…


“How do I want to FEEL for this final month of the year?”

Do you want to feel calm?




Present with loved ones?


Once you decide how you want to feel, before you make a commitment or decision with something…


Get into the habit of asking yourself -

“Is this decision helping me feel the way I want to, or is it pushing me further from it?”


It is 100% possible to enjoy this time of year without sacrificing your self-care in the process. 


It takes intention and commitment, but you get to choose how you want to feel and what you want to experience as we tie a bow on the year 2022.

For more Skin-Mind-Body Youthful Aging tips:

If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram here. 

I’m here to support you!

- Michelle LeBlanc-Peetz


Living With Intention in 2023 


4 Reasons Gratitude Will Help You Age Youthfully