Living With Intention in 2023 

Happy New Year!! 🎉

There is a special energy about entering a new year. Some people may let a New Year get them excited about what’s possible, while others may feel overwhelmed…

Because there is no shortage of messages out there talking about New Year's resolutions, setting goals, preaching the “new year, new you” mantra…

Don’t worry, we’re NOT talking about New Year's resolutions in this article today. 

The article I wrote last year was all about ditching resolutions and creating intentions instead. You can read it here if you want to check it out. 

Today, I’m going to go a little bit deeper on why creating intentions are so much more powerful than the infamous “goal setting.”

So take a deep breath - there’s no need to feel overwhelmed.

Living With Intention in 2023 

There’s a better way to set yourself up for a more successful new year, and it’s by living your life setting Intentions vs Goals. 

Here’s the difference between them: 

  • Goals are External. 

  • Intentions are Internal. 

Goals are results oriented and can often leave you feeling defeated, let down, or being hard on yourself if you don’t achieve them.  And if you do achieve “the goal”, then you’re quickly onto the next one. 

There are also outside circumstances that can impact you hitting your goals that are sometimes outside of your control. 

A better way to create the results you want in life is to live your life setting INTENTIONS. 

Intentions are internal. 

And ready for the best part?

You can have them NOW. 

It’s not like a goal that’s out there in the future. 

An intention is something you choose to embody to help you align your actions with your values and purpose.

An intention changes you from the inside out which will in turn start to impact what actions you take, which then of course impacts your results. 

A few examples of intentions:

  • I intend to be a more present person and maintain connections with friends and loved ones.

  • I intend to keep the promises I made to myself. 

  • I intend to be a person who maintains a healthy lifestyle.

  • I intend to experience more joy and gratitude by focusing on the things that bring me fulfillment and satisfaction.

  • I intend to spend more time practicing relaxation techniques like moving my body out in nature, deep breathing and meditation. 

  • I intend to be a generous person, to stay curious and open to new ideas, perspectives and experiences.

So next, I want you to create ONE intention for 2023. 

Yes you can have more, but what would be your #1 intention?

What’s most important to you?

What will impact multiple areas of your life? 

This may be where your current biggest “pain point” in life is as well. 

Once you set your intention, every morning you wake up you’ll want to think about it. 

You can then continually choose to embody (practice) that intention as you go throughout your day. 

Think about how you want to FEEL vs what you want to achieve. 

You can have daily intentions, but it’s important to have a core intention for 2023. Your true north that you can keep coming back to. 

Note: I highly recommend you have it written down in places you can see everyday like your bathroom mirror, the screen saver on your phone, your steering wheel, etc. 

And I want to hear what your intention for 2023 is!! So please send me a DM on Instagram here and share your intention with me and I’ll share mine with you too :)

When you have your #1 intention you keep coming back to, your actions will naturally be more aligned to the results you’re looking to achieve.

If your intention is to feel more youthful and energized, it will require new action. 

So instead of setting BIG goals that feel so out of reach… 

You can maximize your time, energy and results by focusing on Micro Habits. 

What are Micro Habits?

Micro habits are simple daily actions that are EASY to implement into your already established routine. 

And they only require a few minutes of your time every day (if that). 

Micro Habits could be as easy as drinking 1 cup of water in the morning before your coffee so you stay hydrated. 

Or before you get out of bed in the morning, pop in your headphones and listen to a 1 minute guided meditation (check out the Calm App to make it easy). 

Important Note: Not sure where to start or what Micro Habit would be the most beneficial for you?

Tap here to download: 45 Micro Habits For A Healthy Vibrant Life (Checklist)

Again, please don’t let this overwhelm you. This should spark some inspiration in you about how possible and easy it can be to start implementing change in whatever area of life you’re looking to improve. 

You’ll also get my Magic Micro Habit formula which makes this effortless to implement every single day and will lead to big changes over time. 

Which leads to the next point…Habit Stacking.  

What is Habit Stacking? 

Habit Stacking is when you start to stack micro habit after micro habit into your already established routine which starts to exponentially impact your results. 

It’s like slow drops of water dripping into a bucket over time…

Eventually it will overflow. 

Now remember, I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. 

You will be shocked by the results you’re able to achieve with very little time or effort. This may challenge your mindset and beliefs that you need to “go big or go home” or if you want to get in shape that will take hour long workouts 7 days a week. 

What if lasting change and transformation is easier than you think? 

What if you’re making it too hard or too complicated and that’s what is keeping you stuck?

(Tap here to download the Micro Habits Checklist)

If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram here. 

I’m here to support you!

- Michelle LeBlanc-Peetz


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